English Expression: Kill time

English Expression: Kill time

English Expression: Kill time. Another nice expression that translates perfectly into Spanish: matar tiempo. This makes it easy to remember and use so you can bump up your exam points or impress your boss.


  • to do something not important while waiting for someone or something.
    • My flight doesn’t leave for another three hours, so I’m just killing time shopping and buying things I don’t need.
    • You know you always have to wait at the doctor’s office, so take something to kill the time.
    • Yesterday I had to wait for 30 minutes to talk to someone in customer service. Luckily, I was at home and killed time by cooking while I was waiting.

English Expressions

Now that you have learned English Expression: Kill time, take a look at our other Expression Session posts:
Expression Session: waste of time
Expression Session: it is what it is

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