Expressions with the word egg.
- to egg someone on – to urge someone to do something, especially if it’s negative.
- Stop egging him on. He doesn’t have to jump if he doesn’t want to.
- to be a good egg – a good and reliable person.
- She always has her homework done. She’s a good egg.
- to be a bad egg – a person who does bad things
- He’s such a bad egg. He’s always lying and hurting people.
- egg on your face – to feel embarrassed because of something silly you did
- The government really ended up with egg on its face due to this latest scandal.
- to put all eggs in one basket – to put all your success in one person, action or plan in a risky way.
- I don’t like to put all my eggs in one basket so I diversify my stock options.
- to walk on eggshells – to be very careful not to offend or hurt someone.
- I’m always walking on eggshells with him because he upsets easily.
- to have a nest egg – some money saved to spend on a certain occasion.
- We have a nest egg saved up to travel to Mexico next year.