In this post, Signposts for Presentations in English, we present you with the markers to tell everyone that you are either changing direction, continuing to the next topic or moving back. These are essential for anyone giving a presentation, but even more so if you are giving a presentation in English. Read below about each expression and start using them tomorrow.
To move on
- to change from one subject to another or to show that you would like to continue with what you were saying.
- OK, so if no one has any more questions, I’m going to move on to my next point.
To expand on
- to give more details about something you have said or written.
- I was hoping you could expand a bit more on your second point that you mentioned.
To digress
- to move away from the subject you are talking about to talk about something else.
- I think we are digressing. I would like to get back to the topic at hand.
To go back
- to return to a previously mentioned topic.
- I would like to go back to the first topic where I mentioned our objectives.
To recap on
- to repeat or summarize the main points of a presentation, explanation or description.
- Could you recap on what the main points of the presentation were?
To turn to
- change direction from one subject to another.
- I’d like to turn your attention to page 5 of the handout.
To summarize
- to express the most important facts, ideas or concepts about what someone has said or written in a short and clear way.
- I will summarize the main points in an email after the meeting.
To conclude
- to make the last point to end the meeting or presentation.
- To conclude, there are more benefits than disadvantages to working with multi-cultural teams.
To elaborate on
- to add more information to or continue to explain something you have said.
- Could you please elaborate on your first point you made?
Now that you have learned about Signposts for Presentations in English, don’t forget to check out our other expressions sessions.
Expressions Sessions: Mejorar tu Speaking en el examen
Expressions Sessions: Expressions with Time