Video about systemic racism

Systemic Racism Explained

Henry & Tator (2006) ( ) defined structural racism as ‘…inequalities rooted in the system-wide operation of a society that excludes substantial numbers of members of particular groups from significant participation in major social institutions.’

What is Systemic Racism?

With all the protests going on in the US right now, many people ask ‘How could this happen?’ The thing is that many people within the US don’t even know about many of these policies that were put in place over many years that have a ripple effect on the people of today.

We should all reflect on policies that are put in effect today that may effect us as a society tomorrow.


¿Estás aburrido en el confinamiento? Take a look at the following links to learn about these words, their meanings and their pronunciations.

Click here to find out the difference between you’re and your.
Click here to learn what yore means from the Cambridge online dictionary. Notice you can also listen to the pronunciation as well as learn grammar and context here.
Click here to learn the difference between their, there and they’re and then try to do the exercises.
Click here to read about differences between where, were, we’re and wear. Make sure you also look these up in a dictionary to hear the pronunciation as this is what causes most problems.

We Are the World 2020

We Are the World (2020) Together at Home

This is a SUPER uplifting (“super mega uplifting” as my daughter would say) video to watch where you will hear some amazing voices from You-tubers. If you are familiar with the original We Are the World song from 1985 than you are old like me. If you don’t know anything about the original song (or you are just feeling nostalgic), click here to see it and laugh at the 80’s hair-dos and let me please introduce you to Cindy Lauper and a couple of young guys, Micheal Jackson and Bruce Springsteen. Then you can come back and watch this one too!

5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere

Para English Beginners, recomiendo que ves el vídeo primero con subtítulos.

I don’t know about you, but around 6 o’clock in the afternoon, I start to get a bit anxious while on this lockdown. I’ve decided that maybe doing some meditation would be good to get me through those rough hours of the day. There are lots more options on YouTube and if you are used to meditation, I recommend doing a longer version. Let’s stay healthy, physically and mentally. Click here to see the vídeo or watch it above.

Humans of New York

Humans of New York (HONY) is an amazing collection of photos and personal stories not just from people currently living in New York, but from around the world. Read about this man and his story by clicking here and then check out the many other stories of people who are just like you or completely different! You can also like them on facebook.

Obras de teatro en Inglés con 50% descuento

El 44 Festival Internacional de Teatro de Vitoria-Gasteiz contará con tres obras en inglés con sobretítulos en castellano en el Teatro Principal Antzokia. Infórmate llamando a la Cámara de Comercio en el teléfono 945 150 190 para conseguir un 50% de descuento

  • 15 octubre –  Measure for measure 20:30
  • 7 noviembre – Why? de Peter Brook 20:30
  • 13 noviembre – Isabella’s Room 20:30

Para más información sobre las obras consulta el programa pinchando aquí.