Certifica tu nivel de inglés

Certifica tu nivel de inglés

Certifica tu nivel de inglés supone un requisito imprescindible a la hora de solicitar becas, presentarse a oposiciones, ir al extranjero con Erasmus o realizar un máster.

Existen varias instituciones que certifican tu nivel de inglés oficialmente. No solo es importante tener una certificación de inglés, sino tener la correcta.

La Cámara de Comercio en Álava

Nosotros, en la escuela de idiomas de la Cámara de Comercio de Álava, además de impartir  clases de preparación para certificar tu nivel de inglés, también ofrecemos asesoramiento sobre el certificado que mejor te convenga para tus objetivos.

Una vez definido conjuntamente el mejor certificado para tu situación comienza la preparación.

Nuestros cursos de preparación – Intensivos y Cursos Anuales

Cursos Anuales

  • Los Cursos anuales te preparan para el nivel A2, B1, B2, C1 y C2.
  • En estas clases aprenderás a:
    • Trabajar las diferentes partes del examen: Reading, writing, listening y speaking.
    • Adquirir la gramática y vocabulario del nivel
    • Aumentar la escucha a través de actividades parecidos al examen, videos, conversación, etc.
    • Mejorar tu fluidez hablando utilizando vocabulario adecuado para cada nivel
    • Desarrollar tus habilidades de escritura
  • Cuando son las clases?
    • Dos veces a la semana en sesiones de 1 hora y media.
    • Pinchar AQUÍ para ver el listado completo de cursos anuales

Cursos Intensivos

  • Los cursos intensivos pueden ser tanto online (Oxford Test of English) como presenciales (F.C.E., C.A.E., C.P.E., I.E.L.T.S., T.O.E.F.L., B.E.C.). Certifica tu nivel de inglés con nosotros.
  • En estas clases aprendarás a:
    • familiarizarte con las diferentes partes del examen: reading, writing, listening y speaking.
    • desarrollar  técnicas y pautas necesarias para obtener el mejor resultado posible.
    • manejar los tiempos de cada sección, imprescindible dado que todos los exámenes tienen un límite de tiempo.
    • adquirir  la gramática y vocabulario claves
    • desarrollar tus habilidades de escritura de manera personalizada
    • participar en debates, charlas para mejorar tu fluidez en la comunicación

Clases de preparación para los siguientes examenes de nivel

Oxford Test of English

  • En un mismo examen puedes certificar tu nivel de inglés, ya sea  A2, B1 o B2
  • La Cámara te ofrece un curso intensivo de preparación de 8 días (16 horas de clases de preparación  más  4 sesiones de 1/2 hora de speaking individualizado).
  • Una vez realizado el curso, puedes presentarte al examen en nuestras instalaciones ya que somos un centro certificado de Oxford.

Cambridge FIRST (F.C.E.), Advanced (C.A.E.) y Proficiency (C.P.E.)

  • Cada trimestre ofrecemos un curso de preparación de 1 día a la semana, 3 horas de clases con material adicional para continuar la preparación de forma autónoma entre clases.

Cambridge Business English Certificate B.E.C.

  • Ofrecemos cursos de 2 días a la semana a lo largo del año académico.
  • Como su nombre indica, este curso está especializado en la lengua a utilizar específicamente en el ámbito de los negocios y la administración de empresas.  


  • Es un certificado muy utilizado por instituciones de migración, empresas transnacionales y cientos de universidades como comprobante del nivel de idioma.
  • Ofrecemos cursos de preparación cada trimestre, un día a la semana.


  • Es el homólogo estadounidense del IELTS y está especializado en evaluar el nivel general del inglés americano en hablantes no nativos.
  • Ofrecemos cursos de preparación cada trimestre, un día a la semana.

Pinchar AQUÍ para ver todos los cursos tenemos en el curso 2021/2022

En estas clase aprenderás a:

Cursos de Business English

Cursos de Business English

La Cámara de Álava tiene una larga historia preparando a profesionales que necesitan Cursos de Business English para hacer negocios con otras empresas del extranjero. Pero hoy más que nunca, un mundo globalizado nos exige un nivel de inglés muy elevado y especializado. Much@s alumno@s que obtuvieron un certificado de inglés  B2 o C1  vuelvan a nosotros al incorporarse al mundo laboral para actualizar, adaptar y mejorar su nivel de inglés a su situación profesional. Los aprendizajes obtenidos para conseguir un certificado no son suficientes para enfrentarse con confianza a unas conferencias telefónicas o unas reuniones de equipo en inglés.

¿Qué puedo aprender en un curso de Business English?

Business English B2

El curso de Business English B2 consiste de clases divididas en dos sesiones de 1 hora y media. En cada una hay tiempo para repasar las cuatro áreas del idioma:  Listening, Speaking, Reading y Writing. En nuestras clases hay oportunidad para dar presentaciones, negociar precios de productos, contestar y hacer llamadas telefónicas así como para practicar “small talk”, hablar sobre el tiempo, preferencias, viajes, etc.


  • Mejorar tus habilidades para la escucha a través de Listenings reales
  • Listenings sobre:
    • la promocionan  de los productos de una empresa,
    • Como llevarse a cabo negociaciones en una feria comercial
    • La realización de presentaciones en público, etc.  


  • Ganar confianza a la hora de hablar sobre los temas previamente mencionados,
  • Dominar la conversación de networking
  • Aprender tratarse en inglés con clientes difíciles, etc.


  • Perfeccionar la escritura que utilizas en tu entorno laboral al elaborar correos electrónicos, promociones, informes, propuestas, etc.

Gramática y Vocabulario

  • Consolidar una base gramatical y de vocabulario que te permita seguir mejorando tu nivel de inglés incluso de forma autónoma.
  • Ejemplos de situaciones en los que es necesario:
    • el uso de condicionales en escenarios hipotéticos,
    • manejo de “phrasal verbs” para conversaciones telefónicas o teleconferencias, (hang up, call back, put me through),
    • extender el lenguaje específico de reuniones, Marketing, Finanzas, etc.

Business English C1

El Curso de Business English Advanced es una clase única a la semana de 3 horas los viernes por la tarde de nivel avanzado. Está enfocada al lenguaje utilizado en entornos laborales en temas como imagen corporativa, cadena de distribución, gestión de conflictos, marketing y ventas, inversiones, etc.

La mejora de tu Business English tendrá un impacto positivo en tu negocio y en tu desarrollo profesional.


  • Todas las sesiones incluyen videos auténticos sobre el tema que se esté tratando en esa clase, por ejemplo liderazgo, negociaciones, reuniones, marketing, etc.
  • También se incluirán listenings de nivel avanzados sobre estos mismos temas.


  • Se dedica gran parte de la clase a la comunicación que es el fundamento de los negocios. Incorporamos conversaciones en grupos pequeños y grandes y utilizamos “role plays”.


  • Perfeccionamos la escritura para poder comunicarse de forma clara y con un lenguaje adaptado a las necesidades de cada contexto

¿Qué nos diferencia?

  • El profesorado de la Cámara de Comercio cuenta con años de experiencia trabajando muy de cerca con las empresas de Álava, sus trabajadores y sus necesidades.
  • Las clases se adaptan a las situaciones particulares de cada profesional y/o empresa
  • Profesorado en continuo desarrollo para mantenerse al día sobre tecnologías y tendencias.
  • La satisfacción de nuestro alumnado se refleja en que la gran mayoría prolonga su aprendizaje con nosotros durante años

Puedes ver todos los cursos pinchando aquí
Puedes incribirse en nuestros cursos pinchando aquí

off the cuff Episode 11

A learning English podcast: off the cuff

In this month’s episode of #offthecuff, a learning English podcast, we talk about experiences from #Vitoria #Madrid #Mexico where we thought people should have spoken up about what they saw instead of just being a #bystander. This July 2021 episode is full of vocabulary so check it with subtitles. A learning English podcast is a great way to learn using authentic conversations.

Vocabulary and Phrases from the first 3 minutes

  • Cat fight – an intense argument or physical fight usually between two women.
    • Yesterday two young girls for into a cat fight right in front of my house and I tried to stop them.
  • Shame on you – used to tell someone that they should be ashamed (embarrassed) of their behavior.
    • Shame on you for not helping that older woman with her groceries when her bad broke.
  • Two steps forward one leap back – used to express that we are evolving by moving forward in society but then we go backward and seem to lose some things that we have learned.
    • I feel like I took two giant steps forward with my English but then COVID hit and not I have taken a leap back.
  • Build up – a gradual increase of something
    • I haven’t told her how I feel yet, so my anger seems to just be building up and I am worried I may explode.
  • Excuse – A reason you give to explain why you have done something wrong.
    • They decided to fire him because he kept giving them one excuse after another and were fed up.
  • Peer pressure – a strong influence of a group of people who are similar to you in age or social circle, who want everyone to act as they do.
    • There is too much peer pressure on young girls to have the same hair style, clothes and body that many of them end up having some real problems with self-esteem.
  • Bullying – the behavior of a person who hurts or frightens someone smaller or less powerful, often making them do something they do not want to do.
    • Bullying has always been a problem but today kids also have to deal with online bullying which adds even more pressure.
  • Bully – the person who does the bullying
    • In many cases, the kids who are the bullies often come from unstable situations at home.

Vocabulary and phrases from the minute 3 – 5

  • To stand up to someone – to deal with someone in an effective manner.
    • They are trying to teach young kids to stand up to bullies.
  • Lynching – the act of killing someone without a legal trial, usually by hanging them. In the context of the podcast. Clare was using this expression to say that people publicly attack people for no reason.
    • They gave him a real lynching even though they weren’t sure he was the one who committed the crime.
  • Clip on the ear – a quick hit on the side of one’s head.
    • In the past, it was quite normal for a parent to give their children a clip on the ear. Today it is not so common.
  • Instilling values –to put a value or principle gradually into someone’s mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves.
    • We try to instill values such as community and bonds between people in our children instead of technology.
  • Name and shame – a phrase used to say that someone should be called out for what they are doing and shamed for their bad behavior.
    • I saw someone stealing a wallet so I said in a loud voice, ‘That man is stealing your wallet’ . That way we could name and shame for doing it.

Vocabulary and phrases from minute 5 – the end

  • Bystanders/Onlookers – someone who is standing by watching something take place but does not take part in it.
    • As the police began to hit the man on the ground the bystanders just watched or took videos.
    • There were many onlookers for the street performers, but in the end no one gave them any money.
  • Calling someone out – when someone says out loud that someone is doing something wrong.
    • Janet and her boyfriend were fighting and she called him out about every lie he ever told her.
  • One bad apple spoils the bunch – people use this to refer to a situation where they believe one person’s negative demeanor or bad behavior can affect a whole group of people, influencing them to have a similar negative attitude or to engage in the same bad behavior.
    • Everything was fine until Jimmy came and then everyone was running around screaming. Well, you know what they say, one bad apple spoils the bunch.  
  • Down with …! – something you say, write or shout to show your opposition to someone or something.
    • Jenny always used to say ‘Down with love!’ but now she’s about to be married and is as happy as ever.
  • Feeble – weak, without energy, strength or power
    • I think the opposition party needs a stronger response to the new amendment than the feeble one they gave last night. 

If you enjoyed this month’s A learning English Podcast, check out other episodes

Off the cuff, Episode 10: a Carp load of football
Episode 10

Off the cuff, Episode 10: a Carp load of football

Learning English Podcast : Off the Cuff : A crap load of football

In Episode 10 of off the cuff, A Learning English podcast, Clare and Annie talk about #Ronaldo #UEFA #football #CocaCola and the topic of influencers. How much influence should they really have on us and on things like #LGBTQ rights? Find vocabulary and transcripts below. This Learning English podcast is a way to learn using authentic conversations.

Vocabulary from Episode 10

Vocabulary from minute 0:00 – 3:20

  • What’s on the menu today – this is a fun way of asking what the topic of the show is today. You can use it in any situation where there is a planned schedule, although it may not always be appropriate for work settings. In the example below, we want to know what the activities for the day are.
    • I know you’ve been planning this trip for months, so what’s on the menu today?
  • Obscure – not known by many people. In this case, Annie is being sarcastic, since football is well-known all over the world, particularly in Spain, where they currently reside.
    • I forgot the name of the island they are visiting. It’s some obscure place off the coast.
  • To be glued to your television – If someone is glued to their television, it means that they are very attentive to what is happening on TV.
    • I don’t watch much TV, but when the Olympics are on, I am just glued to the TV.
  • Crap load – this is a way to express a large quantity of something but in a way that shows your disapproval of the amount.
    • Those kids have a crap load of toys and yet they’re always bored.
  • 31 million – 31,000,000
    • I do not make 31 million euros a year.
  • to get/take a hit from something – this is used to say that you will be negatively impacted by what happened.
    • The economy took a huge hit from COVID.
  • to be down something, usually money – having less than you expected or usually have.
    • I lost a bet and now I’m down 100 euros.
  • to get wind of a something – to find out about something, especially a secret.
    • I don’t want my boss to get wind of my new job.

Vocabulary from minute 3:20

  • LGBTQ – Acronym used for referring to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer people.
    • Pride month is celebrated in order to acknowledge and support the LGBTQ community.
  • Paedophiles – People who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children.
    • There is a controversial online website where you can see if there is a registered paedophile living near your home.
  • God forbid – This expression is usually used to show sarcasm as Clare is doing here in the podcast. We usually use this expression to show that we think the other person is overreacting or wrong.
    • God forbid I come into work 2 minutes late because I was stuck in traffic!
  • UEFA – acronym for Union of European Football Association.
    • UEFA decided not to punish the German player who showed his support for the LGBTQ community.
  • get down on two knees – here Clare is referencing the players who supported Black Lives Matter by kneeling down on one knee. Since players may not be able to wear any kind of arm bands for Gay Pride, getting down on two knees could be an alternative. She is showing irony that one thing is ok, but not the other.

To find out more about the topics discussed today, you can find them at the following links:
NYT: Munich Wanted to Light Its Stadium in a Pride Rainbow. European Soccer Said No.
The Guardian: Hungary passes law banning LGBT content in schools or kids’ TV
Business Standard: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo knocks off $4 billion from Coca-Cola’s value

Listen to other off the cuff: A Learning English Podcast

off the cuff Episode 9
off the cuff Episode 8

Vocab Rehab – Common Problems in meetings

There are lots of reasons why we all hate meetings. But by avoiding some of these common traps, you can have meetings that are efficient and effective. Don’t forget to read the definitions and examples below the post!

  • Late starts – when the meeting begins after the scheduled time.
    • Looks like it’s going to be another late start for today’s meeting. Joe is still not here!
  • Over-runs – when the meeting fails to finish at the scheduled time.
    • We can’t have another over-run at tomorrow’s meeting because I have to leave at the scheduled time.
  • Groupthink – the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group, resulting typically in unchallenged, poor-quality decision-making
    • Hiring a more diverse staff is a great way for our company to shy away from this model of groupthink that is halting our innovation.
  • Hidden agenda – when someone has a secret agenda or intentions
    • I feel like there is a lack of transparency occurring. He always seems like he has a hidden agenda and it makes me not trust him.
  • Inadequate preparation – attending a meeting without preparing beforehand the necessary information to discuss the topic at hand.
    • It’s clear that there was a level of inadequate preparation that took place and that’s why we were unable to reach any real decisions on the day of the meeting.
  • Communication barriers – things that make people reluctant to share and/or talk
    • There is a clear communication barrier taking place between the manager and his team. I think they are afraid to say anything in case of getting fired.
    • We need to find a good translator or hire someone who speaks fluent German in order to get past the communication barriers we are facing with our international partners.
  • Communication breakdowns – misunderstandings
    • Knowing the language but not understanding the culture and the meanings behind that language can cause some severe communication breakdowns that can lead to real disputes in meetings.
    • We are having some real communication breakdowns because the employee job descriptions are not clearly outlined.
  • Point-scoring – when there is competition between colleagues for attention, a new job, recognition, etc.
    • I’m so annoyed with Janet and Dave continuously trying to point-score with the boss during the meeting. I don’t know why they can’t share the success of their work.
  • Pulling rank – when someone uses their status to get what they want
    • Although most of us voted to move the deadline back a week, the boss pulled-rank and said that we needed to maintain the original date.
  • Time wasting – causing someone to spend time doing something that is unnecessary or does not produce any benefit.
    • Reviewing information in a meeting that could be given in an email is a time wasting method of information sharing.

off the cuff episode 8: spring has sprung

off the cuff: Episode 8: Spring has sprung

The spring has come
The flowers’s ris
I wonder where the birdies is
The people say they’re on the wing
But that’s absurd
I always thought the wing was always on the bird.


  • On the wing – migrating
  • Sesame StreetBarrio Sesamo
  • Calving  – referring to spring time when cows give birth to
  • Lambing  –  the time in spring when sheep give birth to lambs calves.
  • Kooky – Strange
  • To set on fire – to cause something or someone to start burning
  • Fatalities –  a death caused by accident or on purpose
  • Sechseläuten (Switzerland Spring festival)  – a Swiss spring festival where they burn a stuffed snowman to highlight the beginning of spring. Learn more here: https://www.zuerich.com/en/visit/sechselaeuten
  • Hollowed out – to make an empty apace inside something
  • Polish decorative eggshttps://lamusdworski.wordpress.com/2016/03/13/pisanki/
  • Mass – a religious ceremony that often takes place in a church.
  • The Stations of the Cross – a series of 14 pictures showing the last days of the life of Jesus Christ which are put up on the walls inside many Roman Catholic Churches. To do the Stations of the Cross, the story about the 14 pictures was told during a mass.
  • Good Friday –  The Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Black Friday – In Ireland, people would call Good Friday, ‘Black Friday’ since they were not allowed to drink and bars were closed.  
  • Nonsensical  –  an action or behavior that is not logical 
  • Take precedent over – to be more important than something else
  • Economically sound – to not waste money, to be economically good for someone or something
  • To have a black cloud over your head – an idiom to express irritation, disturbance or feelings of misfortune
  • Guilt – a feeling of worry or unhappiness that you have because you have done something wrong
  • Easter lily – a flower (cala in Spanish) that was worn on Easter day to commemorate those that died during the 1916 uprising in Ireland. Learn more here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Lily_(badge)
  • Stickies – people who wore stickers (pegatinas) to represent themselves as part of the Sinn Féin political party. Learn more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Lily_(badge)#%22Stickies%22_versus_%22Pinheads%22
  • Sinn Féin – In Irish, Sinn Féin means ‘We Ourselves’ or ‘Ourselves Alone’. They are a left wing political party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland who strive to end the political partition of the island of Ireland. Learn more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinn_F%C3%A9in#:~:text=Sinn%20F%C3%A9in%20(%2F%CA%83%C9%AAn,of%20Ireland%20and%20Northern%20Ireland.
  • In favor of – in support of
  • Pin – a small thin piece of metal with a point at one end, especially used to hold something temporarily in place
  • 1916 uprising – Also known as the Easter Rising or Easter Rebellion – a six day battle where the Irish Republicans aimed to establish an independent Irish Republic against the British rule. Learn more here   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Rising  
  • Politicized – to make something or someone political
  • Explicit – clear and exact
  • Cimburijada – Bosnian spring celebration – Bosnians in Zeneca share scrambled eggs by the river to celebrate new life. Learn more here: https://www.sarajevotimes.com/traditional-cimburijada-in-zenica-marked-the-first-day-of-spring/  
  • That wraps it up – to finish something successfully
Expression Sessions - Time

Expressions Sessions – Time

Expressions sessions - Time

The CAE, C1 exam is full of expressions. Here are just a few that are important, not just for the exam, but because we use them all the time!

  • play for time – delay something until you are ready
    • The actors aren’t ready yet. You’ll have to play for time with the audience for at least another 15 minutes.
  • take your time – spend the time you need to complete something OR – slow down.
    • Stop rushing! Take your time. We still have another hour before they arrive.
  • have a great time – Used to tell someone to enjoy themselves OR to express that you enjoyed yourself. It can also be used with other adjectives: bad time, good time, an ok time.
    • Have a great time at the wedding. I’m sure it will be fun!
    • We had such a good time going through the old photos.
  • do something to pass the time – To do something to keep busy while you are waiting.
    • How about we play a game to pass the time while we wait for the food to be ready?
  • make up for lost time – to enjoy something as much as possible now because you didn’t have the opportunity or didn’t want to do it before.
    • Every time I go to the US, I make up for lost time with my best friends and we talk for hours about everything that has happened since we last saw each other.
  • arrive in good time – finish a journey faster than expected.
    • Although there was some construction on the road, they made it in good time to the party.
  • be on time – to arrive somewhere at the exact time or earlier than the time that was arranged.
    • I have to leave now if I want to be on time for the theatre.
  • make time for something – to block off or organize some time to complete something or to be with someone.
    • She had a really busy morning but she made some time for us to have a coffee.
  • did something in no time – to do something in very little time or very quickly.
    • The shipment will be ready to go in no time.
    • The children finished their homework in no time and went to the patio to play.
  • did something time after time – to do the same thing over and over again, repeatedly.
    • I have to tell me children to pick up their wet towel off the floor time and time again.
  • time flies – used to say that the time spent doing something has gone by very quickly.
    • I can’t believe it’s already 7:30! It’s true that time flies when you’re having fun.
  • ran out of time – To have no more time to finish something or to get somewhere.
    • We are running out of time. The deadline for the tenner is this Friday.
Amanda Gordan reading poem

#Amandagorman – The hill we climb

#Amandagorman became famous over night after reading her poem #thehillweclimb at the #Biden #inauguration. She makes reference to the turmoil at the #capital uprising but also looks toward a positive future with #Kamalaharris as the first multi-racial female vice president.

When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We’ve braved the belly of the beast
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn’t always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn’t broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one
And yes we are far from polished
far from pristine
but that doesn’t mean we are
striving to form a union that is perfect
We are striving to forge a union with purpose
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried
That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious
Not because we will never again know defeat
but because we will never again sow division
Scripture tells us to envision
that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
And no one shall make them afraid
If we’re to live up to our own time
Then victory won’t lie in the blade
But in all the bridges we’ve made
That is the promised glade
The hill we climb
If only we dare
It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
it’s the past we step into
and how we repair it
We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation
rather than share it
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy
And this effort very nearly succeeded
But while democracy can be periodically delayed
it can never be permanently defeated
In this truth
in this faith we trust
For while we have our eyes on the future
history has its eyes on us
This is the era of just redemption
We feared at its inception
We did not feel prepared to be the heirs
of such a terrifying hour
but within it we found the power
to author a new chapter
To offer hope and laughter to ourselves
So while once we asked,
how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
Now we assert
How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
We will not march back to what was
but move to what shall be
A country that is bruised but whole,
benevolent but bold,
fierce and free
We will not be turned around
or interrupted by intimidation
because we know our inaction and inertia
will be the inheritance of the next generation
Our blunders become their burdens
But one thing is certain:
If we merge mercy with might,
and might with right,
then love becomes our legacy
and change our children’s birthright
So let us leave behind a country
better than the one we were left with
Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,
we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one
We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,
we will rise from the windswept northeast
where our forefathers first realized revolution
We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,
we will rise from the sunbaked south
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover
and every known nook of our nation and
every corner called our country,
our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
battered and beautiful
When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it

off the cuff: episode 5

off the cuff: Merry Covid Christmas

In this fifth episode, we discuss what Covid Christmas is like and how immigrants often have to be away from their families. We also discuss what we want the new year to look like. Don’t forget to check out the vocabulary listed below and Enjoy!

  • Shadenfreude- pleasure derived by someone from someone else’s misfortune
  • Pleasure- enjoyment, happiness, satisfaction
  • Pain- a physical or emotional discomfort
  • I must admit- I have to say  
  • Taken aback- surprised  
  • Been there, done that- this is not new to me
  • Life goes on- life continues
  • Rearrange- to change the order, position or time of something already arranged.
  • To go down in history – to be recorded or remembered in history
  • D, all of the above- reference to multiple choice tests when you want all the options offered to you
  • Running after your tail – to be busy doing a lot of things and not accomplishing much
    Burnout – extreme tiredness or a feeling of not being able to work anymore, caused by working too hard
  • Have a laugh – have a good time


Now that you have listened to off the cuff: Merry Covid Christmas, have a listen to other episodes:
off the cuff: a big change for 2022
off the cuff: the squid game phenomenon

off the cuff – Thanksgiving and Black Friday

We are back! Last week we talked about Halloween and today we talk about some myths about Thanksgiving and the origins of Black Friday. Listen, check the vocabulary below and enjoy!


Thanksgiving – Día de Acción de Gracias Fast forward – move forward quickly
Myth – something that people say but may not be true Crashing stock market – the value of the all tradable investments fail
pilgrims – the first people from England
to move to the US
Change the narrative- change the story that people know and hear
Mayflower- the name of the boat the
pilgrims came on
Black Friday – The day after Thanksgiving when all the Christmas sales begin
harvest- the time to collect food from the
Christmas season- The time dedicated to celebrating Christmas
whitewashing – an attempt to stop people finding out the true facts about a situation Stuff your face – eat too much
in any way, shape or form – in any way at all Retail – the act of selling goods to the public
disease – and illness caused by infection or
failure of health
Retail therapy – the act of buying things for yourself in order to feel better when you areunhappy

Off the cuff – Episode 3: Halloween!

One of Clare and I´s favorite times of year is Halloween. We love the holiday, but also the smells and colors of autumn. Listen to our third podcast where we try to explain some of the misconceptions about Halloween. Read below to find out what a misconception is and learn more vocabulary.


Misconceptions – idea equivocada  
Pitch dark – oscuridad total
trick or treat – truco trato
costume – disfraz
sinister – siniestro
play a trick on someone – gastar una broma
elderly – mayores
goodies – dulces
coin – moneda
pennies – un centimo en EEUU
barmbrack – un pan típico de Irlanda
savory-sweet – agri-dulce
Askance – de reojo
pea – guisante

ring – anillo  
rag – trapo   
risk – riesgo
loved ones – seres queridos  
flavor – sabor
lack – falta
death – la muerte
elaborately – detalladamente
mezcal – liquor típico del sur de México
autumn – otoño
neighbors –vecinos
to go commercial – hacerlo al grande
to dress up – ponerse un disfraz
carve pumpkins – esculpir calabazas
turnips – nabos

Trail of Tears

This American Life: Trail of Tears

I’ve posted podcasts from this American Life before. I think they do an excellent job telling stories. This one is told by two sisters who take a road trip to learn about the history of their Native-American ancestors who walked the Trail of Tears.

Between 1838 and ’39, the US army uprooted 16,000 people from their homes, rounded them up in stockades, and marched them across the country. 4,000 died. Click here to learn more about the story. Remember, at the top of the webpage you have the option of reading the transcripts while listening. Enjoy!

off the cuff

Off the cuff – Episode 2: Staycation

Off the cuff: Episode 2: Staycation


Staycation – a holiday that you take at home or near your home
rest – relax
to turn out that way – to end up as
offspring – children
exotic – different and interesting
tick things off – mark down that you have completed a task or visited a place on your list
there’s a lot to be said for… – it’s a good idea with good reasons
day outings – a day trip
it all makes sense – everything is clear
overwhelming – large or strong feeling
apps – applications
shades of tan – different colors of skin after being in the sun

off the cuff with Clare and Annie

Off the cuff : an English Podcast with Clare and Annie

‘Off the cuff’ is a common expression meaning to improvise or to do something in an unprepared manner. The meaning comes from journalists or even actors who wrote down short notes on their cuffs (puños), later having to improvise on what they had written.

Episode 1: Locked up in Lockdown


Locked up – to be in jail
Lockdown – a temporary situation imposed by the government where the population must stay at home and/or limit activities outside your home for public safety.
Face to Face – in person, commonly written as f2f
Roller-coaster – Montaña Rusa – in the context here, it’s used to say there have been a lot of emotional ‘ups and downs’
A state of shock – an upsetting feeling due to an unexpected situation
To climb the walls – to feel anxious or frustrated because you want to do something but can’t or because you have lots of energy but can’t do anything with that energy.
Up-skill – to acquire more advanced skills in a specific area   
Tele-working – working from home or from another location through the internet
Hybrid learning – learning using a mix of face to face and on-line classes
Hybrid working – working partially from home and in the office
The silver lining – comes from the expression ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ meaning that there is always a positive side (the sun coming out behind the storm cloud) to every bad situation
To have teething problems – having problems when starting something new – comes from babies who have problems when their teeth come in
To be ‘techno’ – to be good with technology
Furlough – to temporarily lose your job (erte)
To let someone go – to fire them 
Quarentini – comes from quarantine and martini- refers to a mixed drink you have while on lockdown
To get locked – a colloquial Irish expression to say you have consumed too much alcohol ex: He got locked last weekend drinking too many quarentinies!