5 common English Abbreviations. I just got back from visiting my family in Chicago and I thought I would share 5 of the most common abbreviations everyone is using. These are espacially used in texts since it’s much faster to write three letters than three words.
This is by far the most commonly used abbreviation these days, especially since most apps can give you a very accurate Estimated Time of Arrival.
- Meaning: Estimated time of arrival.
- Use: in spoken English, in texts, in apps
- Examples:
- What’s your ETA?
- ETA: 3pm
Everyone is planning things and time is precious, so everyone needs to know what you are doing and when.
- meaning: Let me know
- Use: in written English, mainly in texts
- Examples
- LMK if she wants to come.
- LMK what time you’ll be home.
Although yoy may here someone saying this, it’s much more common in emails and texts. It’s an easy way to say, ‘Hey, just so you know…’
- Meaning: For your information
- Use: Spoken or written English.
- Examples:
- FYI: your boss is looking for you
- FYI: I just got a new job!
This seems to be replacing FYI since it doesn’t seem as impersonal. It’s also a good way to change the topic. No one would say this out loud though, only in a text.
- Meaning: By the way
- Use: in written English to notify someone or two change the topic.
- Examples:
- BTW, we are going out for dinner. Want to come?
- I just talked to Jennifer, BTW
This is orinally a military abbreviation that is still used to notify when a solder is literally Missing in Action (gone or maybe dead), however we use it in a funny way to say, I can’t get a hold of someone or someone doesn’t go out any more and never shows up to events.
- Meaning: Missing in Action (can’t be found or doesn’t want to be found)
- Use: in spoken and written English
- Examples:
- A: Do you get together with Fred anymore?
- B: Fred is MIA. He has a new girlfriend and never comes out anymore.
- I’ve been trying to call you all week but you seem to be MIA. Everything OK?
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English Vocabulary
Now that you have seen 5 common English Abbreviations, take a look at our other Vocab Rehab posts:
Vocab Rehab: outage
Vocab Rehab: travel, journey, trip